Our solution

Lolas is a patented, precise, and robust system designed to secure the critical phases of multirotor takeoff and landing.

It works like a very precise relative GPS, providing the position of the drone relative to its landing platform, in a 150 m radius with up to centimetre level accuracy.

But during phases of flight close to the ground and between obstacles, the GPS easily loses its connection with its satellites. Which is not the case of LoLas, based on 2 different positioning technologies – acoustic and radio -. LoLas offers the necessary reliability and availability in these critical phases of the flight.

LoLas Synoptic
2 Drone Modules, connected to the Flight Control System and providing precise positioning information of the landing platform.
Ultrasonic ranging and Radio ranging lead to a very robust positioning system, operational in all conditions.
4 Ground Modules enable reliable detection of the landing site in all conditions.


This reliability of LoLas is not impacted either by harsh weather or low visibility conditions. Making LoLas much more reliable than optical sensors in heavy rain, sea mist, covered in snowc, etc.


Thanks to 4 small modules installed on the ground and 2 small modules installed on the drone, LoLas is completely redundant. Furthermore, LoLas performs pre-flight and in-flight checks to ensure services availability.


LoLas also performs other critical  functions during landing, such as the touchdown detector or the detection and compensation of movements of the landing platform.


Distributed since 2016, LoLas is already in use on dozens of platforms. The success of its customers is essential for Internest, and we make a point of providing unlimited support during all your integration !

Drone module

  • 2 sensors, for a redundant architecture
    Installed on the drone, outside of the frame
  • Highly reliable with sensor fusion of 2 dissimilar positioning technologies : Ultrasound and radio UWB. Other technologies like IMU and vision ToF are also used to provide interesting features like deck movements compensations or touchdown detection.
  • Standard industrial interfaces : CAN, RS-485
  • Dust and water projection resistant
  • Low SWaP: Size (130x40x40 mm); Weight (100g), very low Power

Ground module

  • 4 sensors, for a redundant architecture
  • Installed around the landing area
  • Only need power to start working, no infrastructure
  • Detect and compensate for platform movements
  • Dust and water projection resistant

Interested in discovering all the different applications ?

Field tested


  • 50 systems sold since 2016, for a wide range of aerial and ground vectors
  • System developed following system engineering standards
  • Wind tunnels tests: LoLas passed functional tests up to 35 knots

How to get started ?

Easy to integrate

  • Discovery kit for quick integration : all you need to start
  • Unlimited support to integration
  • User-friendly configuration software
  • Real-time display and diagnostic tool
  • Demo code with LoLas logger and PX4 OBC
  • Already integrated with Embention’s certified autopilot Veronte
Contact us