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The French Marine Industry Group (GICAN) announced today the 12 startups selected for ‘SEAstart’, its startup support program. All 12 startups have dual commercial / naval defense applications.

Following the June 2019 call for expressions of interest from startups sourced by GICAN, nearly 40 applications were submitted for the SEAstart program by August 2019.

The twelve selected startups (details on their activities can be found below) are involved in maritime industry R & D and innovation: smart ship, green ship, smart yard and smart offshore. The selected startups are intended to integrate the civil and military markets, which are complementary for the French naval industry.

For a year and a half, these twelve startups will be accompanied by GICAN to develop their maritime markets. The selected startups are located throughout France. They have an average turnover of 600,000 euros per year and an average of 9 employees.

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